Lang Electronics PEQ-2
Tuotenumero 1079344LANG PEQ-2 Program Equalizer on helposti kontrolloitava ja tehokas prosessori, jolla voit ekvalisoida musiikkiasi tallennuksen, miksauksen tai masteroinnin aikana.
Toimitettavissa noin 5-7 arkipäivässä
Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
The LANG PEQ-2 Program Equalizer offers an inviting, easily controllable yet powerful processor to quickly adjust the frequency of your material while recording, mixing or mastering.
- Line input impedance: 2400 Ω bridging, transformer balanced and floating.
- Output impedance: Transformer balanced and floating, to drive a load of 600 Ω.
- Maximum output: Greater than +26.5 dBu into 600 Ω (internally terminated).
- THD+N Ratio: 0.02 % @ 1 kHz 24 dBu, all control CCW*.
- Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz (± 0.3 dB).
- Noise floor: ≤- 86 dBu.
- Power: 48 V DC @ 60 mA.
- Dimensions (W x H x L): 482 mm x 88 mm (2 Rack units) x 153 mm.
- Weight: 3.088 Kg.
*CCW stand for fully counter clockwise – Turn all controls to the left.