Akai MPC Expansion Soul Provider 3
Tuotenumero 1071701Authentic Soul and Hip-Hop Roots for your MPC
Akai Professional and MSXII Sound Design are proud to release the highly anticipated re-up to the acclaimed MPC Expansion series, Soul Provider. Vol. 3 is here and better than ever! Soul Provider 3 is the perfect marriage of vintage sounds, dusty samples, fused with the most modern production techniques & presets.
Classically authentic to its soul and hip-hop roots, MSXII Sound Design has once again gone far above and beyond the rest to leave you with a timeless product that’s been dipped in soul, r&b, funk, pop, jazz, and progressive vibes. You’ll find drums that kick you in your chest. Snares that will break your neck. Melodies built with Fender Rhodes, electric guitar, Mellotron, vintage synths, and live bass were chopped up so effortlessly you’d believe the kits were lifted from vinyl of the late 60’s and ’70s. Yet, everything is completely original.
Per usual. All kits received vintage outboard processing, resampling, and compression, to bring you maximum texture and character. Vocal chops and laser-like FX sprinkle this MPC Expansion like the perfect dessert to a fine meal. Soul Provider Vol. 3 comes directly ready to load into Standalone or Software Modes of your MPC.
MSXII has taken advantage of the critically acclaimed plugin suite shipping within the MPC platform. You’ll immediately enjoy tons of new presets that showcase the sound design aspect of the expansion. Use these presets as a learning guide or create your own, new textures if you’d like! Soul Provider Vol. 3 delivers once again for the MPC user that needs inspiration!
Each kit provides you with an excellent selection of samples and patterns that have been expertly programmed to inspire you no matter what music making mood you’re in.