AIR Pro Motion for OPx-4
Tuotenumero 1086468Expansion Pack for AIR OPx-4
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Requires OPx-4 Licence
200 meticulously crafted sounds for the OPx-4 synth
Pro Motion is an expansion pack that not only enriches your sonic experience with 200 meticulously crafted sounds for the OPx-4 synth, but also injects rhythmic vitality into your compositions.
This expansion can be used on both the MPC/Force and Desktop versions of OPx-4 and both formats are included.
Elevate your productions with Pro Motion, where each sound not only captivates, but also propels your compositions forward, giving them with an unmistakable sense of motion.
- 29 Bass
- 12 Bells
- 28 Chords
- 22 Guitars
- 8 Keys
- 24 Leads
- 27 Pads
- 30 Plucks
- 20 Synths