Xils Lab Vocoder 5000
Tuotenumero 1072638EMS 5000-analogivocoderin orgaaninen soundi plugarina
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The XILS Vocoder 5000 provides all the modules of its legendary ancestor ... And more :
- A Matrix Patch Area (22x22 or 20x20)
- Two Synthesizer cores
- Two oscillators per core, modeled on the EMS VCS3 oscillator
- One noise per core
- Two LFOs per core
- One VCA-ADSR per core
- One 22 band filter vocoder
- One 20 band filter vocoder
- Stereo analysis and synthesis available
- Side chain for adding an external audio source to the carrier
- A virtual keyboard, which can be saved within your presets
- A finely tweaked analog-like pitch tracker
- An input gate for reducing the noise
- A Voice/UnVoice detector
- A full output mixer applied to any of the internal audio paths
- A huge Frequency Shifter effect
- All parameters are MIDI controllable
- Presets for quickly showing-off the XILS Vocoder 5000 in all is glory