SSL Native X-Delay
Tuotenumero 1078445X-Delay on Solid State Logicin uusin premium-luokan plugari, joka on saanut inspiraationsa valtavien viiveiden aikakaudelta, jota myös 80-luvuksi kutsutaan. X-Delay sopii täydellisesti esim. lauluraitojen tuplaamiseen ja voit luoda sillä suurta stereoäänimaisemaa
Artistic creativity and production inspiration; X-Delay features the right selection of processing tools to quickly and intuitively create professional quality delays for any vocal, instrument or sound. Add that ‘80s vibe by combining SSL’s renowned SATURATION and MODULATION for just the right amount of grit or shimmer. Unique MULTIPLIER control allows the alteration of all delay times simultaneously (an automation dream!). Crank ‘DIFFUSE’ and go from small plate to rich, thick reverb and beyond, and fine tune delay taps using SSL HP/LP filters, DE-ESS and MIX control to keep your delays mean and mixes clean.
Key features
- Intuitive digital delay plug-in that invites you to experiment
- 4 configurable delay taps: Independent level, ping pong and panning controls
- Easily sync delay taps
- Add swing and build polyrhythms by dropping sync’d taps into ‘dotted’ and ‘triplet’ modes
- Global MULTIPLIER: halve or double all delay times simultaneously
- SSL high and low pass filters, mid/side width, de-essing and mix controls
- SSL saturation and modulation to add that ‘80s edge
- DIFFUSION control, featuring brand-new reverb design
- Freeze and kill to build risers and drops
- Built on the SSL Plug-in Engine