REAMP is a complex spectral saturation processor, simulating a set of different analog gear in a new and unique way. Benefits of this algorithm is that it is highly CPU efficient and adds (almost) no latency. The seven models available are based on real analog gear, individually measured in two dimensions; gain responses (-inf dB to +6 dB) at the frequency spectrum 20Hz to 20kHz. This data is used to transform input audio to output audio. A four-band spectral drive allows you to let the unit work even more.

Klevgrand Reamp
Tuotenumero 1085355Audio Gear Modelling Plug-In
Lataa nyt
Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
Analog gear simulation with a unique & efficient spectral saturation algorithm
- Seven handpicked profiles based on gear we love.
- Spectral drive (four bands)
- Dry / Wet mix
- Plenty of factory presets
- Ultra low latency
Technical specifications
Requires macOS 10.10 or later (optimized for the M1-processor), Windows 7 (SP1) or later, running a AU, VST or AAX compatible 64-bit host.