Wave Arts MasterVerb
Tuotenumero 1072588Laadukas reverb-plugari
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Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
- Early reflection section- halls, rooms, plates, chambers, echo, cathedral, nightclub, ping-pong
- Two late reverb algorithms – Hall (for all sizes of rooms) and Plate (for super dense plate reverbs)
- 3-band EQs for early and late frequency response adjustment
- Early/late and wet/dry controls for adjusting mix
- Triggered envelope control for special effects such as gated and reverse reverb
- Graphical “character” control allows you to quickly adjust the size and decay time of the space
- Time response plot showing delays, early reflections, late reverb, and envelope
- 3-D frequency response plot of reverb decay
- Over 60 presets
- No latency
- Fully automatable
- Up to 192 kHz support