Fabfilter Volcano 3
Tuotenumero 1074377Vintage-tyylinen filter-plugari
Lataa nyt
Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
Key features
- IMPROVED - Fully redesigned, highly simplified interface, with an easier workflow, including a new design of modulation sources and floating slot panel
- NEW - Added new, vintage-sounding EQ-type filter shapes with the internal drive and non-linearities: bell, low/high shelf, notch and all-pass
- Ultra-flexible filter routing, including per-channel and mid/side modes
- IMPROVED - Various interface sizes and full screen mode
- IMPROVED - Endless modulation options, with all the 16-step XLFOs, XY controllers, envelope generators, envelope followers and MIDI sources you will ever need
- NEW - Introduced Drive setting per filter, adjusting the internal filter saturation, which allows for much more variety in sound and smoothness
- IMPROVED - Improved the sound quality of overall feedback, the filters, and internal saturation
- NEW - Live modulation visualization for targets and sources
- NEW - High Quality option, enabling maximum internal oversampling for the best results
- NEW - Level/Pan per filter, which is especially useful when using parallel filter routings
- NEW - 6 dB/oct filter slope option
- Stereo and mono plug-ins available
- Undo, redo and A/B switch features
- IMPROVED - Carefully designed and curated factory presets, plus support for earlier Timeless presets
- IMPROVED - Large interactive filter display with optional piano display
- Interactive MIDI Learn
- Extensive help file with interactive help hints
- Available in VST, VST3, Audio Units, AAX Native and AudioSuite formats