Fabfilter Pro-G
Tuotenumero 1057469Hyvä Gate/Expander on lähes välttämätön työkalu useimmissa miksaus- ja livetilanteissa. Tutustu todella monipuoliseen Fabfilter Pro-G:hen.
Lataa nyt
Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
- Six meticulously tuned expander/gate algorithms, including upward expansion and ducking
- Program dependent attack and release curves
- Low CPU usage
- Adjustable range, hold time and knee settings
- Optional look-ahead time up to 10 ms
- Precise and helpful metering, including a real-time level display
- Expert mode that offers highly customizable side chain options
- Mono, stereo or mid/side processing
- Up to four times linear-phase oversampling
- Zero-latency operation mode
- MIDI triggering: open the gate/expander with your MIDI keyboard
- External side chain option
- Separate dry/wet level settings
- Easy to set up for common gating / expansion scenarios with the included factory presets
- GPU-powered graphics acceleration
- Double-click text entry of parameter values
- Stereo and mono plug-ins available
- Supports common Pro Tools hardware control surfaces
- MIDI Learn
- Undo/redo and A/B comparison
- Smart Parameter Interpolation
- Extensive help file with interactive help hints
- Available in VST, VST3, Audio Units, AAX Native and AudioSuite formats (all both 64-bit and 32-bit), as well as RTAS (32-bit only)