Eventide SplitEQ
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SplitEQ™ is a groundbreaking EQ that offers a fundamentally new approach to corrective and creative audio equalization. It excels at Repairing, Rebalancing, Enhancing, and Widening any musical source or audio signal. SplitEQ is both a surgical tool for fixing particularly nasty problems and a creative tool as it opens up exciting new musical possibilities. More than just an EQ — It’s a new and better tool.
At first glance, it’s a parametric EQ with 8-bands of precise musical filters. What’s new and different is Eventide’s powerful Structural Split engine which divides the incoming audio into separate Transient and Tonal streams that feed the 8 bands. This approach makes common EQ problems easy to solve—even in a complex mix.
- Want to soften the transients? Use the master Transient Gain slider.
- Remove plosives or de-ess? EQ only the Transient.
- Reduce snare ring? Put a filter on the Tonal mids.
By applying EQ and panning to Transient and Tonal separately, you can fix many of the problems normally attacked using complex combinations of EQ, compression, transient designers, de-essers, multi-band compression, spatial processors, or dynamic EQ. Simplify and declutter your workflow, get better results, and create new sounds.