Xils Lab 505
Tuotenumero 1072637Virtuaalinen parafoninen jousi-ja bassokone sekä syntetisaattori
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Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
- Oscillator: The mother of all sources! One faithfully emulated, aliasing free, TOD (Top Octave Divider) Oscillator providing up to 49 voices of polyphony
- A String Section, with it's own filter, Waveform mangling, AR settings,
- A Synthesiser Section with dedicated ADSR, 24db Analog Filter with envelope and LFO modulations, various sound sources (Rocker switches) and the Second Touch special retrigger feature.
- A Human Voice Section with custom formant and balance settings.
- A Bass Section with three cumulative waveforms. Each waveform can be filtered in the BASS panel.
- One Main LFO to control the Vibrato. And another LFO freely assignable in the Modulation Matrix
- Several Envelope Parameters for each section. A global ADSR for the Synth Section. And still another DADSR envelope assignable in the Modulation Matrix
- A thick sounding quadruple BBD Chorus/Ensemble unit. ( Each section has it's own send level)
- A raw Analog Phaser effect. A Vintage Natural sounding reverb. A True Stereo Space effect.
- A Modulation Matrix, with 6 nodes addressing 14 sources and 24 destinations with access to many secret hardware parameters.
- A special Glide Section
- And finally, all parameters can be controlled via MIDI CC in your Daw (or Live)