Vienna Ensemble Pro has become the definitive cross-platform network solution in studios and production facilities around the world. This mixing and hosting application enables you to set up a multiple computer network with both Macs and PCs without the need for extra MIDI and audio interfaces – all you need is a simple Ethernet cable!
New Features
- Included FX Plug-ins – A selection of powerful plug-ins, based on Vienna Suite Pro, with convenient GUI displays embedded in the mixer channel view: Compressor Pro, Equalizer Pro, Exciter Pro, Limiter Pro, Analyzer Pro.
- Pro versions of Vienna Suite’s surround-specific plug-ins: Matrix Mixer Pro, Surround Balance Pro, Surround Pan Pro.
- Simplified Automation – Detailed clear names of all automatable parameters available in Vienna Ensemble Pro and all inserted plug-ins.
- Instance CPU Usage – Realtime read-out of the specific CPU load
- Instance MIDI/Audio activity – Better overview, easy to observe and to control MIDI and audio activity
- Vertical Instance List – For a quicker overview of all available instances (in addition to the tabbed view)
- Favorites Manager – Create a list of your go-to plug-ins (FX/instruments)
- Favorites (auto-populated) – Always see your recently most used plug-ins on top of your plug-in list
- Customize Plug-in use in the Vienna Ensemble Pro Preferences
- Improved Plug-in Scanning for a smoother experience with troublesome or incompatible plug-ins
- Instance disabling (automatable)
- Folder disabling (automatable)
- Copy/paste channels – For flexible template adaptations (Comm. C/V, Ctrl C/V)
- Instant Server Discovery – Reliable server detection, also in complex situations
- Faster connection/disconnection from VE Pro Server/instances
- Faster saving times – Instance data is compressed/decompressed to increase saving speed with demanding plug-ins like NI Kontakt.
- Articulation Display – The currently playing articulation is displayed directly in the channel (works for Vienna Synchron Player, Vienna Instruments Player, Vienna Instruments Pro Player).
- Missing Patches are indicated by a red frame (works for Vienna Synchron Player, Vienna Instruments Player, Vienna Instruments Pro Player).
- FX Mini GUI Displays - Watch some of your integrated FX plug-ins right in the channel view.
- Includes Epic Orchestra 2.0, the 73 GB sample pack powered by Vienna Synchron Player
- AU3 Beta
Existing Features
- Cross-platform MIDI and audio LAN solution for Macs and PCs.
- No audio interfaces, no MIDI interfaces on your additional networked computers – All you need is Ethernet with a Gigabit connection.
- AU/VST (Mac) and VST (PC) hosting – Instantiate any VSL and 3rd party VST and AU plug-ins (works with nearly all available VST/AU plug-ins and supports multiple outputs).
- Preserve Instance – Disconnect Vienna Ensemble Pro from your sequencer while keeping all of your instruments and samples loaded, and re-connect to a new cue or project without loading again.
- Full surround support up to 7.1 with integrated plug-ins for surround-to-surround balancing and mono/stereo-to-surround.
- Frozen/Disabled channels allow unloading all plug-ins (including their allocated memory) from a selected channel, while keeping data intact
- Channel grouping allows assigning channels to a group, with option to link selected parameters to the entire group
- Windows only: Dual architecture servers – Run 64-bit and 32-bit Vienna Ensemble ProServers side-by-side on the same computer and integrate 32-bit 3rd party instruments into your 64-bit DAW and vice versa.
- VST3/AAX Native/MAS connector plug-ins – Supports up to 48 MIDI ports and 768 audio ports per instance.
- VST plug-in hosting on the Mac, allowing for full compatibility with Windows
- Audio input plug-in – Route audio signals from your DAW into Vienna Ensemble Pro, e.g., to turn it into a virtual FX rack on your networked computer.
- Optimize All – Clean up your RAM by purging all unused samples of all instantiated Vienna Instruments with one mouse click!
- Plug-in latency compensation ensures full sync of all plug-ins inside each Vienna Ensemble Pro instance.
- Optional one-click integration of Vienna MIR Pro (sold separately).
- AU/AU3/VST/VST3/AAX Native/MAS plug-in or stand-alone.