ujam Virtual Bassist Slap
Tuotenumero 1076339SLAP on moderni, hienostunut ja samaan aikaan villi. Unohda rapeat slapit à la Seinfeld! SLAP on aina energinen sekä luova ja tuo tuo biiseihisi luonnetta ja sielua
Upbeat, lively, colorful
SLAP is the wild child among our bassists. A modern, sophisticated and off the wall virtuoso. Forget about cheesy slap sounds à la Seinfeld! Driving your song with character and soul, this is the ever energetic creative live wire. In parallel there’s all the reliable professionalism you expect: SLAP shows up on time and lays down incredibly realistic basslines. Best of both worlds! With SLAP you will compose impressive bass performances easily.
30 Styles with over 350 individual phrases
Both Slap and Finger style playing techniques
More than 100 Presets & 30 Finisher Multi-Effect Modes
MIDI Drag & Drop