Xils Lab Oxium
Tuotenumero 1089507Virtual Synthesizer Plug-In
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Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
Core Modules
- 2 Cumulative analog modeled Oscillators (up to 8 per patch). PWM for all waveforms (free-running with indistinguishable aliasing Saw, Triangle, Pulse and Square). Advanced Glide/Portamento mode per Oscillator/Hard Sync and Ring modulation between Oscillators.
- 3rd Generation Zero-Delay-Feedback filters, self-resonance for all modes (LP 24/12, BP6/12, HP) Additional second filter to choose between Formant Filter, LP, BP, HP with emphasis or articulation parameter.
- Flexible Double Mixer architecture (one per filter) with fully configurable serial or parallel modes.
- 3 freely assignable DsyncADSR envelopes.
- 3 Multi-waveform LFOs with Mono/Poly mode, Midi Syncable, Delay, Fade in, and note retrig parameters
- Exclusive 2nd generation Le Masque controller modulator, with 16 freely drawable zones (masks). Each mask has two level parameters, can trig envelopes, or be envelope controlled, the grid has vertical and horizontal snap modes. Patterns can be saved, loaded. 3 Trigger modes.
- Central Modulation Environment: 6 freely assignable pairs of source/target parameters, 3 additional prewired pairs for common musical gestures (Vibrato, Tremolo, Auto-wah), 6 hardwired slots for real time controllers (Mod Wheel, Pitch Bend, Aftertouch, Breath Controller. All parameters are Midi Controllable.
Music Playing
- Advanced Poly/Mono Arpeggiator, with fully configurable note order, Gate and swing parameters
- 8 Play Modes (5 Poly/3 Mono) allowing multiple keyboard playing techniques
- Deep integration and interaction between Play modes, Arpeggiator modes, modulations and per voice core sound engine for organic and expressive instruments.
- Up to 8 voices Unison with Tune spread parameter, Oscillator drift and Output Vintage parameters to model several aspects of analog hardware synthesizer, unique Modulation randomiser: Use these 4 parameters to customise big as life patches