EastWest Quantum Leap Voices Of The Empire
Tuotenumero 1057190EastWest / Quantum Leap esittelee Voices Of The Empiren, aivan uuden vokaalituotteen, joka sopii erinomaisesti eeppisten elokuvien, TV:n tai pelien ääniraitoihin, EDM:ään tai muuhun musiikkiin, joka vaatii soololaulua tai lauluharmonioita sointujen avulla.
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Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
Featuring the raw, primal vocals of Uyanga Bold, VOICES OF THE EMPIRE will make the perfect companion product to the newly-released blockbuster HOLLYWOOD CHOIRS.
Features of VOICES OF THE EMPIRE include:
- Dozens of Mongolian, Bulgarian and Western-style, multi-sampled vocal instruments
- Dozens of expressive phrases in every key
- 2 unique Mongolian legato vocal instruments
- Traditional legato vocal instrument
- Expressive vowel multi-sampled vocal instruments
VOICES OF THE EMPIRE requires PLAY 6 (including a new instrument search database and other new features), which is compatible with all PLAY products, and is included free with your purchase