Best Service Chris Hein Orchestra Complete
Tuotenumero 1071864Complete collection of Chris Hein´s Orchestra Instruments
Features Overview
Chris Hein’s groundbreaking phase-align technique achieves articulations that are clean of phasing and volume bumps as you move through the dynamic layers. So if you need powerful crescendi or flowing legato lines you won’t hear any audio artefacts - the transitions are completely smooth.
The note-head function gives the opportunity to define exactly how hard the players bite down on the notes. Combining different articulations and note heads will bring your virtual instrument parts to life like never before.
A full range of advanced options within these orchestral libraries ensures precise control. Set the instruments just as you like them with multiple options for dynamics, legato, vibrato, glide and much more.
It’s simple to set up separate convolution reverb routings for both the instrument body and the room it’s playing in - so you can match these orchestral instruments with the rest of your template. With 63 high class impulse responses, it’s never been easier to match a soundstage, placing all of your orchestral libraries in the same space.