Shure PGA52
Tuotenumero 1045389Dynaaminen bassarimikrofoni. Suuntakuvio: hertta. Integroitu jalusta-adapteri. Taajuusvaste: 50Hz - 12kHz. 1,75 mV/Pa. Mukana säilytyspussi ja 4,5m XLR-XLR -kaapeli
Lähetettävissä: Heti
Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
Cardioid dynamic kick drum microphone delivers audio clarity in kick drum and low-frequency recording and performance applications, and it includes the microphone, zipper pouch, an optional XLR cable, and a swivel joint with quick release latch.
- Tailored microphone cartridge design specifically for low frequency clarity
- Swivel joint with quick release latch with a design similar to bicycle component-locking technology for extremely quick and easy positioning.
- Cardioid polar pattern picks up audio from the source while rejecting unwanted noise
- Updated industrial design with black metallic finish and grille for unobtrusive visual presence
- Zipper pouch included for additional protection during storage or transport
- Legendary Shure quality design and construction for exceptional performance in rigorous environments