Studio Electronics MidiMini V30
Tuotenumero 1076469Villi ja ilmeikäs, puolimodulaarinen uuden sukupolven MIDIMINI
Many can recall dialing up Midim-g/Midimini patches that fit a song so perfectly that they inspired even greater creativity: shapely, sometimes sinuous sounds whose essence called out to you; emotive sounds you never wanted to change; sounds you lovingly tracked, notated and revered; sounds as vital as the lyrics or lead vocal—that solid, insistent, articulate bounce, bravado, and twangy bang. Was there another sensible, MIDI-driven rackmount choice for immaculate synth bass and lead lines?
The Midimini was the first Studio Electronics synthesizer built from scratch (and not retrofitted). Over 30 years later, nothing has been lost in the translation and enrichment of this rackmount essential. A legion of brand-new hardware features, extensive software sweetening, and select modular connections opens the window even wider to an already stunning Analog view.