Strymon Big Sky MX
Tuotenumero 1085130Big Sky MX on uuden sukupolven kaikutyöasema, joka kuulostaa suuremmalta ja ilmeikkäämmältä kuin mikään muu kaikulaite maailmassa.
Toimitettavissa noin 5-7 arkipäivässä
Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
Introducing the Big Sky MX from Strymon, the next-generation reverb workstation that changes the game for dedicated reverb pedals. It can be daunting to dramatically improve a product like the original Big Sky, as it’s been a staple on pro peda lboards for a long time for a host of very good reasons, but we’ve spent the last four years making sure that we achieved that goal. It sounds bigger, wider and more expressive than anything else on the planet, with a host of new features and capabilities that make it the new Greatest Of All Time reverb.
- 12 world-class reverb machines with 7 brand-new algorithms, plus significant enhancements to Big Sky classics
- 2 brand new algorithms, Impulse and Chamber. Spring, Plate, Hall, Room + Shimmer boast entirely new handcrafted algorithms with option to select original BigSky voices
- 2 discrete reverbs at once with Series, Parallel and Split audio routing/new pan control per engine create undreamt-of possibilities- e.g. combined male and female ‘Chorale’ choirs!
- 22 pre-loaded IR’s feat. 10sec IR playback with full editing capability (!) and custom long-IR captures of classic studio gear
- Stereo i/o with selectable input level for instrument/line level, Strymon Class A JFET input preamps, and selectable true/buffered bypass
- Dedicated Infinite/Freeze footswitch (create lush pads to play over) crisp OLED display, DIN and TRS MIDI I/O, USB-C, EXP inputs
- Analog dry path for a zero-latency dry signal that is never converted to digital
- EXP input to connect optional TRS expression pedal, MultiSwitch, MultiSwitch Plus, or TRS MIDI
- USB-C jack for firmware updates, MIDI I/O, and patch upload/download/real time desktop parameter control/IR loading via Strymon's free Nixie 2 editor
- 24-bit, 96 kHz, 116 dB typical Signal/Noise, dual ultra high-performance 800MHz tri-core 32-bit floating ARM processors
- Requires 9v 2.1mm centre negative 500 mA or higher power supply (not included)
- Dimensions: 5” deep x 6.75” wide x 1.87” tall (12.7 cm deep x 17.2 cm wide x 4.8 cm tall)
- Designed and built in the USA