Tuotenumero 1073044

Nomad Factory Magnetic II

Reel-to-Reel Audio Tape Warmer Plug-in

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Nomad Factory introduces Magnetic II, a Reel-to-Reel Audio Tape Warming effect that gives your tracks the elusive vintage tape sound which your ears crave. This effect can inject sterile audio with the warmth and character of classic tube circuitry and analog tape saturation.

The plug-in features pure analog reel-to-reel tape speeds, tape/tube saturation and tape color effects, as well as a dedicated vintage style EQ and a built in Boost mastering section. The result is a creamy, warm sound that can only be achieved by Magnetic II.

Product Features

9 Tape Models that give you the real sound of the vintage tape machines:

  • Otari MX-80 2-inch 24-track
  • Otari MTR-90 2-inch 24-track
  • Ampex MM1200 2-inch 24-track
  • Ampex ATR-102 half-inch two-track
  • Tascam ATR60-16 1-inch 16-track
  • Studer A80 Mk II 2-inch 24-track
  • Studer A827 2-inch 24-track
  • Studer A820 2-inch 24-track
  • MCI JH24 2-inch 24-track